Video: International students weigh in on Remembrance Day in Canada

'Sometimes appalling, all the time terrifying,' said Jack Burch referring to his service in WWII


Reported by Austin Everett

World War II veteran, Jack Burch, said he wants international students and young Canadians to remember him and his colleagues’ Canadian service.

“I want them to remember me; what’s left of us,” said Burch.

Ninety-three countries are represented at Langara with India leading and China, the second most populous. Currently the total number of international students at the college is over 5,000 people, just under 3,000 are from India.

Although many foreign students at Langara may not be aware of specific Canadian history, many remain aware and are grateful for the sacrifices that have protected Canada and continue to protect the country and its freedom.

South Korean international student, Chaeyeon Park, said that although she does not relate to those who participate in war, she is grateful for parts of it.

“The only good part of the war is the part which makes people fear about war and to not do it again,” Park said, “For that I am grateful.”

Keet Singh a Langara student from Punjab, India said he is dedicated in respecting our war veterans by serving Canada in various ways.

“We can feed someone who is hungry; we can give someone who’s homeless a shelter,” Singh said.

June 2019 marked the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings and the Battle of Normandy in WWII of which Burch was a part of.

In this video, students and Burch reflect on the sacrifices that make Canada the country that it is today.

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