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News from elsewhere around Metro Vancouver

Robot’s camera is a diver’s friend

By Ty Lim Before human divers enter Metro Vancouver's City sewers to conduct repairs, their robotic ally, known as a camera crawler, must go down to inspect the damage. A camera crawler is a robot equipped with a camera that human…

Sewer divers beat robots in human waste

By Ty Lim When remotely operated robots meet their limit in the city’s sewers, it’s time for a human diver to delve into the complete darkness of Metro Vancouver’s toxic raw sewage. In an age of human jobs conceding to the efficiency…

Photos: Vancouver digs out

On Tuesday night, Vancouver experienced the first major snowfall of the year. Snarling wind, gridlocked traffic, and falling trees left the city in chaos. Langara Voice photographers fanned out across the city on Wednesday morning to…
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