Local comedians showcase the worst books they could find

Vancouverites showcase their knowledge on the worst pieces of literature they could get their hands on


Reported by Sydney Morton

Have you ever read a book and thought Say Wha?!

Sara Bynoe, actor, writer and the organized an event on Monday, Oct. 23 at the Cottage Bistro on Main St. where local comedians could share their Say Wha?! moments in front of an audience. For $10 you can watch the performers tear apart the out dated and sometimes looney books they hunted down just for the onlookers.

Four comedians took the stage, LeeAnn Keple who read from The Art of The Deal by Donald Trump, Sara Bynoe read from L. Ron Hubbard’s Self Analysis, TJ Dawe, a Canadian playwright performed Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need by Blake Snyder, Emma Cooper took the crowd on an adventure with Sun, Sea and Boys by Caroline B. Cooney and Eric Fell performed from a English French Dictionary from 1967.

The crowd roared while the comedians delivered their well prepared critiques of the books they promised they would throw out the second the show was over.

The next Say Wha?! event is yet to be determined.


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