Voice Radio Ep. 50 – Students suffer with mental health amidst war

“Seek community for sure, because when you are alone you think it’s just you. But when you see there are other people who agree with you, who show the same things you do, it’s comforting”



Some college and university students have noticed a decline in their mental health since the start of the Israel-Palestine war. Community groups representing both Israeli and Palestinian students, such as Hillel B.C. and the Muslim Student Association at SFU, are providing students with mental health support and resources to help them through this time.

Antisemitism was at a peak in 2021, according to a study done by B’nai Brith Canada. In 2022, over 2,769 antisemitism incidents were reported, according to the same study. Additionally, the most recent Statistics Canada study done on hate crime shows in 2021, there was a 71 per cent increase in hate crimes towards Muslim people in Canada. There were 144 Muslim hate crime-related incidents reported to police that same year. Some students feel their mental health declining as they fear these numbers will rise as the war continues.


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