Ready, Set, Hire! career expo hooks Langara students up with potential employers

The Ready, Set, Hire! career expo takes place March 5 at the Richmond Olympic Oval.
The Ready, Set, Hire! career expo takes place March 5 at the Richmond Olympic Oval.

Langara business students are invited to the Ready, Set, Hire! career expo on March 5 at the Richmond Olympic Oval.

The first 100 students to sign up will get in for free, and transportation is provided for Langara students from campus to the expo thanks to student fundraising efforts. Visit to register.

Over 30 businesses will be in attendance. Some, including TD Canada Trust, CIBC and Xerox are listed on the 2014 Canada’s Top 100 Employers list.

Students can empower themselves

Michael Watts, a program manager for the event and fourth-year bachelor of business administration student, said students should take the opportunity to interact with businesses.

“Ask questions of businesses. Too often students believe the business holds all the power, they are all looking for individuals who will be able to think for themselves,” Watts said.

Reported by Ash Kelly

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