Jody Wilson-Raybould’s sister says women are key in politics

Kory Wilson urges young female leaders to "pave the way"


Reported by Missy Johnson

Despite the recent expulsion of Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott from the Federal Liberal caucus, Wilson-Raybould’s sister, who is an instructor at Langara, says young women should stay hopeful and continue to get involved in politics.

“I think it’s really important to continue to have faith that we live in a system and in a democracy in a country where one person can make a change and a group of people can make a substantial change,” said Kory Wilson, Langara Canadian studies instructor.

Taking a stand

Wilson-Raybould and Philpott were kicked out of the Liberal caucus on April 2 after Wilson-Raybould spoke out about feeling pressured by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his office to be lenient in the prosecution of SNC Lavalin, a Quebec-based construction company.

Many critics have said it’s contradictory that Trudeau would encourage the empowerment of women and then silence Wilson-Raybould when she spoke out.

“I think it’s a very childish political move,” said Rachel Barnett, political science student at Langara. “I don’t know how he expects to come back from this.”

The importance of involvement

Wilson said even though it can be difficult for women to get involved in politics, while it’s still a male-dominated field, she hopes people will step up anyways.

“It’s always hard for the first of this or the first of that to make a change,” she said. But “it’s important that they do it and pave the way for those that come behind.”

Langara women’s studies instructor Itrath Syed said that political involvement isn’t just about running in elections. 

“Politics is a broad range of activity and engagement and women and everyone should be stepping up to the plate,” Syed said.

Barnett said she still has hope for the future of women in politics.

“I think Philpott and Raybould are making an example of how strong a woman can be against opposition,” she said.

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