VOICE PODCAST 05: Election aftermath


In this week’s edition of The Voice podcast, we discuss elections!

The newsroom at The Voice was busy last Wednesday on the day after Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. Scott Forbes sat down with editor Chahira Merarsi and reporter Sean Hitrec to discuss the exciting challenge of coming up with a front page story on student’s reactions to Trump’s triumph in only a few hours.

In the second part of the podcast, Linda Nguyen talked to Desmond Rodenbour, the new General Manager of the Langara Student Union about the recent LSU by-elections and how the LSU is working toward greater transparency with the Langara student body.

Starting next week, students will be able to take part in a survey online about possible new services from the LSU.  Some of the proposed services include funding for clubs, volunteer recognition programs, tech repair and a campus food bank. To read more about the proposed services, check out this article in the Nov. 17 edition of The Voice.

Music courtesy of Bensound.

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