Interfaith dialogue at Langara


InterfaithFor the first time at Langara, two religious student groups came together to have an interfaith meeting.

The Langara Muslim Student Association and the Jewish Student Association met last month to begin a dialogue between students in their respective clubs.

Beginning a conversation

Business student and practicing Muslim Ameer Mohammad first approached the Jewish Student Association at the beginning of the semester.

Together, the two groups planned a first meeting. According to representatives of both student groups, the meeting was a success.

Bridging the divide

Rotem Tal of Hillel BC, which runs Jewish student groups across B.C. campuses, couldn’t have been happier with the outcome.

“It was a very calm meeting, very relaxed. Both sides were open to hear each other speak,” said Tal.

“It was about coming together and discussing our commonalities and differences.”

Ameer Mohammad agreed.

“I think the biggest thing we got out of that event was the commonalities,” said Mohammad.

Continuing the conversation

Representatives from both groups believe that part of the success of the meeting was the frankness and openness of the conversations that took place.

“I hope and I pray that this partnership continues to grow, and grows better on this campus, and Muslim members of this college, Jewish members of this college, as well as members of other faiths get to see and understand that we really mean well,” said Mohammad.

Both student associations are hoping to expand the meetings to include more students and other faith-based clubs on the Langara campus.

Reported by Ashley Legassic

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