VOICE PODCAST 06: Learning environments at Langara make ADD and ADHD symptoms worse


Produced by Jake Wray

On this week’s Langara Voice weekly podcast, editors Brian Kurokawa and Chantelle Deacon discuss last week’s top stories from the paper’s Nov. 17 edition.

Brian and Chantelle sit down with reporter Bala Yogesh to discuss his stories about the many struggles international students face attending Langara. Being as Yogesh is an international student himself he understands and has endured many of these issues students encounter coming to Langara.

They also speak to reporter Chelsea Powrie on her story about loneliness on campus. She mentions some ideas on how to meet new friends at Langara.

In this week’s Nov. 24 edition there are three articles revolving around distracted learning in the Issues & Ideas section of The Voice. Chantelle and Brian brought in reporter Lauren Boothby so she could discuss her battle with ADHD and what she finds the most distracting to her learning in Langara classrooms. Do you find yourself daydreaming during class? Do you get easily distracted? Check out The Voice podcast to find out more.

*Correction: We said it is the fifth edition of the podcast. It is the sixth.

Music courtesy of Bensound

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