Dodgeball teams vie for glory at kings and queens tournament

Eight teams face off in elimination matches at David Thompson Secondary


By Sam Mowers

Balls will fly when rival players throw down at the Kings and Queens Dodgeball Tournament on March 18 at David Thompson Secondary School.

The Vancouver Dodgeball League began with only 12 people in 2004 but today has over 1500 players, with more than 200 teams registered, currently the city’s largest league with two four-month seasons per year.

The only other tournament of its kind happened in 2014. Marcy Kam, the VDL programs director said, “Our typical league is co-ed, whereas this tournament is all-female teams and all-male teams that are put against each other and they go for [it].”

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Eight teams with approximately six players will be eliminated through round-robin, single elimination and best of seven sets for the semi-finals and finals. First and second place winners in both divisions will get gift certificate prizes to sponsor East Side Craft House.

Vancouver Dodgeball League players compete in a game at David Thompson Secondary school on March 9, 2017.
Sam Mowers photo.

League member Byron Wong looks forward to the all-male team, since groups are usually four guys and two girls.

“No leagues actually have one where it’s all guys or all girls so it’s a good chance […] to see how they stand,” Wong said. “It’s a very unique tournament.”

He joined eight years ago on the advice of his best friend, who thought that VDL would help him.

“It was during a time that was after a pretty bad breakup, so she just wanted to get me out of the house and introduce me to a community that was very positive,” he said.

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Wong put the league’s popularity down to the community element and competitive aspects of the game.

“We’re all out here to have a good time, break a good sweat and meet new people,” he said.

League coordinator Nathan Wilkins doesn’t imagine ever stopping playing dodgeball.

“It’s a lot of fun, I’ve been doing it for years and I’m probably going to do it until my arm falls off,” Wilkins said.

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