3.14 Pi Day turns to Pie Day at Langara


As mathematicians around the world celebrate the legendary number of 3.14, regular people are just enjoying the perks of celebrating the mathematical constant, with pie.

Lane Trotter, president of Langara College, hands out pie to students on Pi-day, Mar. 14. - Photo by Edmond Lu
Lane Trotter, president of Langara College, hands out pie to students on Pi-day, Mar. 14. – Photo by Edmond Lu


“It started with a big thing and it’s getting bigger and brighter, this is the third or fourth year now we’ve organized [this event],” said Dr. Nora Franzova, assistant chair of the department of mathematics and statistics. “There’s nothing really in March that we can celebrate if you think about it, we’re in the middle of the semester, everybody is crazy at this point, so this is a good treat for everyone to take us to the end of it.”

Langara College hosted Pi Day on March 14, where 314 slices of pie were given to students and staff, who lined up outside the cafeteria for a choice of pumpkin or apple pie.

“I think it’s pretty damn good,” said Jason Saadatmand, a computer science student. “I’m in calculus right now, and calculus is killing me. So mathematically, pi and I are on bad terms. But Pie Day kind of makes up for that.”

While many people think of pi as a mathematical term, or a “delicious, sugar dessert,” as HE likes to put it, others think of it more of a philosophical way.

“It reminds me of a life story,” said Tracy Lissner, a geography student. “It pretty much tells everyone’s life story because it goes on forever.”

Regardless, whether you enjoy the Pi for the 3.1415926… or you just like pi for the delicious dessert, it’s just an excuse for a holiday… really.

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